How to deploy a static website on Amazon S3

Written by Guadalupe Vocos & Pedro Bratti | Cloud & DevOps Engineer @ DinoCloud

You can deploy an Amazon S3 bucket to work as a website with a CloudFront Distribution for Content Delivery and Route 53 for cloud Domain Name System (DNS)

Why choose a static website?

Hosting static websites is becoming more and more popular, but what does it mean to be static? It means that your site consists of a set of “pre-built” files (HTML, js, and CSS files) that are directly served on request. This plus the resources that AWS offers allows us to have a serverless, flexible, scalable, highly performing, secure and low-cost infrastructure.

Before you begin:

As you follow the steps in this example, you will work with the following services:

  • CloudFront: Distribution and Origin Access Identity.
  • Route 53: Hosted Zone and Records.
  • S3: Bucket.

You will need to have these prerequisites before starting the steps:

  • Route 53: Domain Name already registered.
  • Certificate Manager: Certificate requested (Optional in case you want to secure communication through the HTTPS protocol).

Step 1: S3 Bucket with Static Website Hosting

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at AWS S3.
  • Choose Create Bucket, enter the Bucket Name (for example, and on region select us-east-1 and Create.
  • Now you can upload your index.html to the already created bucket.

Step 2: Route 53 Create Hosted Zone

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Route 53 console at AWS Route 53.
  • Choose Create Hosted Zone, enter the Name, select the Type Public Hosted Zone and Create.

Step 3.1: CloudFront Create and Configure Distribution and OAI.

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon CloudFront console at AWS CloudFront.
  • Choose Create Distribution, in the Origin Settings section, for Origin Domain Name, enter the Amazon S3 website endpoint for your bucket (for example,
  • Under Bucket Access select Yes, use an OAI, Create new OAI and select Yes, update the bucket policy.
  • (Optional) For SSL Certificate, choose Custom SSL Certificate (, and choose the custom certificate that covers the domain
  • Set Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) to the root domain. (for example,
  • In Default Root Object, enter the name of your index document, for example, index.html.
  • Let the rest properties as default and Create.

Step 3.3: CloudFront Configure properties Error page.

  • Select the Distribution, already created, and go to the properties tab called Error page.
  • Set the followings properties:
    • HTTP error code: 403: Forbidden.
    • Customize error response: Yes.
    • Response page path: /index.html
    • HTTP response code: 200: OK

Step 4: Route 53 create a Record.

  • Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Route 53 console at AWS Route 53.
  • On the Hosted Zone which you already have created, select Create Record.
  • Select Record Type: A and under Value field, check Alias and select the CloudFront Distribution domain name.
  • Wait a couple of minutes for the DNS to propagate and search the site on your browser.

All ready! You now have your static website up and running.

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